
University Study Tour to Macao

Release people:胡浩文Source of information:国际教育学院 Time:2022-12-08 15:09:53Click:

Recently, 41 students from JXVTC went to the University of Macao and the Macao Institute of Tourism attending a four-day academic exchange program.

The students participated in lectures of Technological Innovation and Regional Economic Growth, Cross-cultural New Media and Advertising Marketing, Overview of World Cultural Heritage and Protection in Macao, and skill-orientated courses like Cocktail Preparation Fundamentals delivered by professors from the University of Macao and the Macao Institute of Tourism whose teaching skills and knowledge aroused strong interest among students. Both parties had a lively, friendly and in-depth exchange of views on their respective academic areas of interest. They gained a direct understanding of the basic situation, teaching methods, and teaching activity organization styles of universities in Macao, and deepened their understanding of the curriculum.

The study tour broadened the students' horizons and gave them a better understanding of Macau's history and culture and of Macau's higher education as a whole, laying a solid foundation for deeper and closer cooperation between JXVTC and universities in the Macao.


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