
Online Meeting with IUAD for Joint-run Program

Release people:胡浩文Source of information:国际教育学院 Time:2023-06-02 14:08:53Click:

On June 1st, JXVTC carried out an important online meeting with IUAD for discussing the details with IUAD(Accademia della Moda, Italy) about the application materials of joint run program.


The provincial education bureau has informed the amendment & improvement comments regarding the application materials which have been submitted by JXVTC in early May. This meeting with IUAD is aimed to synchronize the current situation and reach the agreement on the clauses for the essential materials such as application form, talent cultivation scheme, cooperation agreement and cost budget.

At the beginning of the meeting, Ms.WANG Yang, the vice president of JXVTC expressed the gratitude to the close cooperation with IUAD in recent years and a strong willing of the continuation for a profound partnership in the future. Ms.FANG Yiqun, the vice-dean of International Education Department, reported the latest status of joint run program and main topics for the meeting.

Mr.Massimo Cipolloni, the director of International Cooperation Office from IUAD spoke highly the efforts that JXVTC had made in order to realize the joint run program and added that IUAD will fully collaborate for the success of program application.

Thanks to the willing to achieving the common goal, the meeting ended up with a smooth synchronization for all the related topics. JXVTC will submit the amended version of application materials to the provincial education bureau and look forward to not only the final approval but also a prosperious cooperation with IUAD.

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